Worst Albums Ever.

No hot takes, just bad music.

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Last week, we pondered over a few albums that left a lasting change on the musical landscape for positive reasons. Some were political and cultural, while others created a new way of playing music.

Because balance is necessary, we’re looking at the albums that should never have been released. Albums that are so bad, music critics, Reddit forums, and online lists are, for a change, almost in agreement.

Before we tuck into the bottom-of-the-barrel releases, here are some quotes from big publications like Pitchfork, NME, AllMusic, and Q Magazine.

  • "Another dollop of rock sludge with a remarkably honest title." - Q Magazine, on Staind - 14 Shades of Grey.

  • "It's a shame and embarrassment, and hopefully it will be a temporary slump like Circus." - AllMusic, on Lenny Kravitz - Baptism.

  • "An album that hideously disgraces the band's original work." - Pitchfork, on The Stooges - The Weirdness.

  • "The message is simple: the joke isn't funny any more, last orders rang long ago and the game is well and truly up." - NME, on The Twang - Jewellery Quarter.

Scathing at best. And, it is a strange thing to be able to listen to a body of work and pull it apart when many of us can’t play a solid four notes on any instrument or sing. Yet, when it comes to music, it is open season for opinions.

For those who took our advice and have been enjoying the daily delivery of 1001albumsgenerator, you’ve probably run into your fair share of upsettingly bad music. But with a huge 15000000+ votes cast on the site to date, here are their dynamic (subject to votes) lowest-rated albums:

Kollaps - Einstürzende Neubauten, and one user’s review: “If you have a headache and would like to worsen your headache, this is the perfect album for you.”
D.O.A. the Third and Final Report of Throbbing Gristle - Throbbing Gristle, and a user review: “It's heartwarming to know that a complete lack of musical talent or ability is no barrier to creating an influential album.”
Duck Stab/Buster & Glen - The Residents, and a user review: ”Their bio states they have no face, no names, no gender. I wish they had no album.”

Phew, user reviews can be brutal. If you’re lucky, you probably haven’t heard them, ever.

But what about more mainstream artists? Rolling Stone has 50 Genuinely Horrible Albums by Brilliant Artists, including Bowie, Lennon, and Dylan, so it isn’t just the lesser-known bands that release awful albums.

Worst Albums Ever

For this one, we’re spotlighting every era, no year is safe.

Metal Machine Music, Lou Reed, 1975

An album that consists entirely of oddly manipulated audio feedback and has been crowned second position in The Worst Rock ‘n’ Roll Records of All Time. Honestly? You’ll just need to hear it:

Fun fact: Lou Reed recorded an album with Metallica, and when that was very poorly received, he said, "I don't have any fans left. After Metal Machine Music, they all fled. Who cares? I'm in this for the fun of it."

Thank You, Duran Duran, 1995

In 2006, Q Magazine stated that this was indeed the worst album ever. A quote from Gareth Grundy: "Duran Duran was the one that united everyone in agreement. We put it on in the office to remind ourselves how bad it was.” The engineer for the album, Ken Scott, who worked on music by Kansas, the Rolling Stones, Supertramp, and others, said, “It turned out pretty badly.”

A.K.A, Jennifer Lopez, 2014

J.Lo has had a rough few years, but bad is bad. Spin said, Much of A.K.A. is still mawkish, midtempo melodrama that does too much to accentuate J. Lo’s tunelessness.” PopMatters said, “Jennifer Lopez may have done a Britney and released a strong contender for the worst pop album of the year.” AOTY users were equally unimpressed “forgettable, ★”.

Nine Track Mind, Charlie Puth, 2016

According to Metacritic, this is one of the worst-reviewed albums ever. Of the album, Jia Tolentino from Pitchfork wrote: The album's emotional range covers the spectrum from light longing to light infatuation, contributing to the overall sense that 'Nine Track Mind' is aimed exclusively at hairlessness: children, prepubescents, the discomfitingly waxed." 

Philosophy of the World, The Shaggs 1969

Philosophy of the World is the undisputed, across-the-board worst album of all time while simultaneously making it to the greatest albums of all time lists. The Wiki page for this one opens as such: Philosophy of the World is the only studio album by the American band the Shaggs, released in 1969. It has been described as both among the worst records of all time and a work of "accidental genius." Fans of the album include Kurt Cobain, Frank Zappa, and NRBQ. Debra Rae Cohen, Rolling Stone, said, “Philosophy of the World is the sickest, most stunningly awful wonderful record I've heard in ages: the perfect mental purgative for doldrums of any kind,"

And on that note, can music be so bad that it eventually becomes incredible? This one now has a cult following. When listening, which you both should and shouldn’t, pay attention to the masterful lyrics of My Pal Foot Foot. By track 8, you’ll understand why this masterpiece is the best-worst, most confusing album ever.

If you are curious, yes, for the sake of research, we listened to every single album mentioned above and some extras.

For some much-needed ear relief, this week's Taste Takeover is from Richard at RMR Media. What we truly love about this submission is that we are traveling all over the world and being introduced to artists who aren’t on our radars.

“I think the music we choose to listen to over and over again really shapes part of ourselves. I like to surround myself with a bountiful balance of a variety of genres from various backgrounds of music and contributions from every corner of the globe. Here are five of my favourite songs from all around the world, and what they mean to me”.


Swedish singer-songwriter Loreen is known across Europe for her triumphant 2012 Eurovision win, scoring Sweden’s fifth victory with Euphoria—a bouncy Europop track still echoing in clubs and on radio. In 2023, she did the unthinkable, winning Eurovision again with Tattoo, Sweden’s seventh victory. With over 650 million Spotify streams, Loreen became the first woman to win Eurovision twice. This Nordic-pop banger is a beautifully (but devastatingly) written love story of finding someone at the wrong time but being willing to feel the deepest pain just to be with them. It rightfully deserves a spot on this top 5 list for her tremendous victory—she came back stronger than ever, beating 36 other songs on the world’s biggest musical stage. Plus, it’s just a really good song. Nordic pop is kind of my guilty pleasure, so I had to have one here.


Janet Jackson is one of the most recognizable names of our time, delivering some of the best R&B music to grace our ears. But don’t get it twisted—she’s a genre chameleon. Velvet Rope blends searing strings with electro-R&B, paired with Janet’s smoother-than-whiskey vocals. Over 25 years later, it still sounds fresh. Always at the forefront of musical innovation, Janet’s career took a hit after the 2004 Super Bowl scandal, and she’s never fully recovered in the public eye. But she still gives it her all. Her music carries an authentic sensuality, never forced, and Velvet Rope is a must-hear. Even if this isn’t your usual style, you might be surprised, it’s groundbreaking in all the right ways.


Now hear me out, even if K-Pop isn’t your thing, this song scratches all the right parts of my brain. The best part? The ending, where all four BLACKPINK members chant the chorus. It’s their first real “yeah… we made it” moment, marking their rise as one of the most successful South Korean acts ever, breaking barriers at every turn. The thumping production makes your head bounce, you might even catch yourself chanting along! Kick It is one of their best and most out there songs, yet it’s often overlooked. Give it a chance. Don’t let the K-Pop label scare you, that’s not a great mindset! Music is an easy, amazing way to explore new cultures, and we don’t appreciate that enough. Go explore the world through your headphones—it’ll change your life!


I can't even tell you how many times I've caught myself singing this chorus. La Presa is an infectious salsa deep cut from Argentinian singer-songwriter-dancer Nathy Peluso, off her 2024 album GRASA. The album is a hodgepodge of genres, but La Presa stands out with its vibrancy and carelessness. While Nathy hasn’t given us a full salsa album yet, this track proves she’s mastered the genre. It tells a story not just through lyrics, but through its clever production, even following her voice at times. Hard to explain, so you’ll just have to listen. La Presa will make you dance, guaranteed. It’s time for salsa to hit the international mainstream, and I nominate La Presa to lead the charge. Who’s with me?


Amaarae's sophomore album 'Fountain Baby' features a handful of gems, but the shiniest of the bunch is the ever-so unique 'Disguise'. It combines the best of both African and American musical elements to create a glistening world that your ears can roam around in for nearly three minutes. Her higher-toned voice also makes for a unique instrumental-vocal pairing that you do not really come across often. There are not many words I can say about this song because it is not like I can compare it to something. It is so beautifully unique and rich in quality that, like literally every other song on this list, you just have to listen to it for yourself to see why this was one of my selections. 

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